JET Mental Health Counselling Assistance Program
It is offered by CLAIR to enhance mental health support for JET participants.
Partially covers professional counselling services in Japan (50%, up to ¥20,000 per year, from April 1 to March 31) that are not covered by regular health insurance.
How It Works
Ask your supervisor or go-between to request a form from your contracting organisation.
It may be useful to show them the information about the subsidy (from the website or handbook) as they might not know about it.
You will need to fill out details of the date of consultation, name of practice and price and submit it to the CO by the deadline. You will also need to attach your receipts so remember to keep them!
AL-ANON Family Support Group
For friends & family of alcoholics
Tel.: 0729-77-8366
Alcoholics Anonymous (Tokyo)
AIDS Hotline
Tel.: 03-5285-8088
English: 11:00–18:00 (Mon-Sat)
Japanese: 10:00–18:00 (Daily)
AIDS Information Service (Osaka)
Tel.: 0720-48-2004
Japan HIV Center (Osaka)
Tel.: 06-6882-0282
Hours: 13:00 – 18:00 (Sat)
Eating Disorders
Overeaters Anonymous (Tokyo)
Intl. Friends Gay Support Network
Tel: 0356-93-4569
Intl. Lesbian Support Network
Tel: 0422-56-3953
Stonewall Japan
LGBTQ People of Color:
Life happens and can cause some serious stress.
When it happens, don't hesitate reaching for professional help or some peer support.
They are there for you!
Jet Resources
JET Counseling Service
Counseling service through Web Mail or Skype.
An appointment must be set, so this service is not for emergencies.
Each JET can get up to 7 appointments a year (April 1–March 31), 20 or 40 minutes each.
Web Mail: https://www.kokoro‐
Password: spufa2019 (for both)
AJET Peer Support Group
FREE and anonymous
Counseling service operated by fellow JETs for JETs.
365 days a year
Tel.: 050‐5534‐5566 (20:00–7:00)
Skype: AJETPSG (20:00–7:00)
(Tokyo English Lifeline)
FREE and anonymous
Tel.: 03‐5774‐0992 (9:00–23:00)
TELL Counseling Services
An appointment must be set, so this service is not for emergencies.
Tel.: 03-4550-1146 (English), 03-4550-1147 (Japanese)
(International Mental Health Professionals Japan)
Search engine
Japan Helpline
Japan's only 24 hour non-profit, nationwide emergency assistance service
"Call 24 hours a day, from anywhere about anything, anytime from a simple question to emergency assistance."
"Whether it is an earthquake, the subway gas attack, or just a toothache in the middle of the night, we are always first to help as Japan's only 24 hour, nationwide assistance service for the international community."
24 hours / 7 days a week
Tel.: 0570-000-911
Resourceful People
Doctors & Co-Workers
Colin Zimbleman, PhD (Kyoto): 090‐8448‐8608
Dr. Nakajima (Kyoto): 075‐462‐3700
Your supervisor
Shiga JET Prefectural Advisors
May be contacted through social media, phone or email.
If you are experiencing mental distress or are trying to help someone you know going through a difficult time, just know that there many ways to improve the situation.
- Remember to give it time as well!
Live a Balanced Life
This may seem obvious, but whether you’re in the whirlwind of your new life, frozen in winter or melting in summer, don’t forget to lead a balanced life!
Keep a diary, speak to others about your problems, do things that make you feel good and treat yourself once in a while.
Take the time right now to make a list of reasons why you wanted to come to Japan and a list of goals that you can refer to when you’re not feeling as good.
You can also make a list of achievements and things you like about yourself.
Keep negative thought patterns and rumination in check.
Learn new things, find a club, group or circle to join, pick up some Japanese.
Exercise, eat and sleep well (say NO to conbini, and I see you there with your phone or gaming late at night!), get some sunlight, stay clean and live in a clean environment.
Please refer to the Healthy Habits on the Physical Health page.
There will be plenty of occasions to make new friends, whether at work, in your community or with JET.
Go see friends!
Of course, don’t forget the people back home either!
⚠ At the same time, watch out not to overbook yourself.
⚠ You can become involved in online or social media communities, but make sure to find balanced opinions.
⚠ If you’re an ambivert or an introvert, take time alone to recharge. (Extroverts also need it.)
You can find a variety of spiritual establishments around.
There are a few churches and a Muslim association.
There are currently only two synagogues in Japan; the nearest is in Kobe.
Ask your local JETs!
If you are not religious, you can find a variety of ways to volunteer.
Reach out
We live in an age of technology that allows you to stay in touch with family and friends around the globe, call them for free and even speak to them “face to face”! Use these tools as often as you need them.
JET is a great opportunity to meet lots of new people, some of whom you may get close to.
Other JETs may have had similar experiences and may be able to give you tips about how to deal with things.
Have Fun
Do things you enjoy doing, pick up a new hobby, pet an animal, etc.
You can find a list of various resources in the following sections.
Most of them allow you to talk to someone who cares, but not necessarily to a mental health professional.
If you think that you may be having a depression, you can try answering a self‐assessment test online:‐it‐depression‐anxiety/self‐test/
Mental health can influence how positive your experience will be in Japan.
In addition, things just don’t always go your way and a perfectly good experience can suddenly go sour.
This stress may not materialize right away and it could take many shapes, for example, affecting your sleep or appetite.
Some people may become depressed. While depression requires a visit to a mental health professional, here are some things you can do to prevent getting that far.
Most of the information below about culture shock and SAD was taken from the Kumamoto website.
Reasons to Consult
You can consult for any reasons such as:
feeling lonely and isolated
culture shock and culture fatigue
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
problem at school
legal issues
health issues
drug and alcohol abuse
Feeling Lonely and Isolated
Whether you’ve lived abroad before or not, moving to Japan, living by yourself and starting a new job can be stressful and isolating.
Making new friends can be challenging with the language barrier and the social mentality in Japan.
It can also be part of culture shock and culture fatigue.
Culture Shock
You’ve heard of it and people keep telling you about it. It will inevitably hit you, but you'll hopefully be prepared for it!
People experience culture shock differently and it can be more intense to some than others.
"Be aware that Culture Shock is not depression, and recognizing Culture Shock is an important step toward dealing with it."
"Culture Shock is a four-stage cycle triggered by difficulty adjusting to a new culture.
There’s a trend, but most people go through these different phases a number of times. This may force you to re-examine the assumptions and social behaviors which were once thought absolute, and may throw you off and disorient you."
The Four Stages of Culture Shock
Initial Euphoria (Honeymoon Period). Anything new is intriguing and exciting:
Irritation and Hostility (Culture Shock). Feel homesick and have a negative attitude towards the host culture:
“Why is everyone staring at me??? They’re all so rude, why can’t they just be normal, like the backwoods Canadian farmers/ West Coast American hippies/ London Metropolitan aristocrats I grew up with.” -
Gradual Adjustment. Start to adjust and the culture seems more familiar:
“The other day I went for udon and rocked out that all-kanji menu like it was my job! I own this city, and I’m going to write a kick-butt blog post as soon as I get back from ikebana practice” -
Adaptation and Biculturalism. Completely adjust to the host culture and may even experience Reverse Culture Shock upon return to home country:
“I think I’m going to apply for citizenship.”
“I can’t believe I’m back in New Zealand Suburbia. Why in the world are the roads so wide? Also, I can’t believe I have been sitting in this restaurant for three minutes and no one has served me. The least they could have done was yell ‘welcome’ at the top of their lungs.”
Free-floating anxiety. Anxious but don’t know why.
Lack of self-confidence.
Lack of energy or interest in life.
Panic attacks.
Loss of initiative and spontaneity.
Excessive anger over minor things.
Feelings of hopelessness.
Strong desire to associate with people of your own culture or nationality.
Excessive amount of time spent isolated, avoiding exposure to the foreign environment.
Ways to Cope with It
"Give it time! If you are experiencing Culture Shock, it does NOT mean that you are doing anything wrong. It is a natural reaction that many people go through.
Try the following to help deal with Culture Shock:
Eat well.
Try relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or tactical breathing.
Explore your neighborhood.
Develop your network of friends here. Don’t isolate yourself.
Don’t cut yourself off from the Japanese community around you.
Keep a diary or journal. Write down why you came to Japan, and refer to those points.
Learn to say “no” to things you don’t want to do and keep some time for yourself.
If a lot of your trouble is coming from the inability to speak Japanese, study!
Talk to people. Friends, family, support lines."
Cultural Fatigue
"Coming to Japan means you must learn new patterns of behavior and figure out how to navigate social situations.
In our home countries we know how to have a conversation and how interactions are supposed to work.
We get a small dose of satisfaction, a small buzz, a little psychic boost from an interaction gone well.
But in a different country and culture, interactions must be learned.
We don’t get those doses of satisfaction that come from a conversation that is “complete” or “whole”, but rather little shocks that are the result of things not going the way we are used to.
These shocks accumulate.
Culture fatigue describes the cumulative effect of constantly being confronted with these little shocks.
‘Culture shock’ implies one big jolt, but for most people it’s the small, sometimes even imperceptible aspects of life that build up and cause culture fatigue.
Some common things that can get at people: being compared with past JETs, foreigners; being stared at; getting asked the same questions over and over; smoking and drinking; sexism.
Feeling Crazy?
The culture shock graph is often used to express the cycles we go through in a different culture, but in reality it may feel like total chaos.
It’s normal to feel crazy at first.
Usually over time the severity of the dips and peaks becomes less.
Ideas on Coping
Coping with culture fatigue requires mourning.
You lose something by coming to Japan.
When you come to a different culture, it’s like going to a circus and looking at yourself in one of those fun mirrors that distort your image.
You look at yourself and you don’t recognize yourself.
You’ve lost the normal you.
People see you differently than you are used to being seen, and you may even see yourself differently.
You need to mourn your loss (the loss of family, friends, and your own identity).
Just like any time you experience grief, it’s important to acknowledge what you feel and move on.
Over time, the mirror image gets more familiar, and hopefully you come to like what you see.
Moving to another culture is a big transition.
Think back to other transitions in your life (university, 1st job, etc.).
Try drawing a graph with time on one axis and how you felt on the other.
Chart out how you felt before the transition to after the transition.
Chart about 15 months (3 months before the transition to 1 year after the transition).
What patterns do you see?
Also, what did you do to cope with challenges of transition?
The things that worked in the past are most likely to work for you now.
Adjustment is an intensely personal experience.
Often children, when they are taken to another country or culture, revert back to behaviors that they had grown out of (which drives their parents nuts).
Similarly, when the social carpet gets pulled out from under our feet, we may revert back to old ways and habits that we struggled to get over. In technical terms this is called ‘regression in the service of the ego.’
A helpful strategy to help with adjustment:
Write out what about Japan particularly bothers you.
Not so you can bash Japan, but because it’s important to know where Japan bothers you.
Pay attention to how you’re feeling, how riled up you are or aren’t when you make your list.
Instead of thinking ‘Why do they always do that?’ trying thinking ‘Why do I always react like this when they do that?’
Sometimes it helps to pick where not to adjust so you can adjust more fully in other areas.
It’s also important to know and accept your personal style.
Are you introverted or extroverted?
Optimist or pessimist?
Do you talk slow or fast in conversation?
What do you say to yourself when something good happens?
Something bad happens?
Do you think through problems or feel them out?
Knowing yourself can help you figure out how to cope and adjust.
Keep in mind that whatever worked for you before will help you now.
Use your experiences as a way to know yourself better and learn what’s important to you.
Here’s another metaphor: We are like a jewel, and culture is like the light. When light comes from a different source or angle, the jewel looks different. Sometimes just a little change makes the jewel shine, and other times it makes it look dull and unimpressive. It’s not the jewel’s or the light’s fault, it’s the result of the interaction. It’s not Japan’s fault, it’s not your fault. It’s the result of the interaction between the two."
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
"Some of you from the more northern parts of the English-speaking realm may scoff at Kyushu winters (I’m looking at you Canadians, Alaskans, Scottish North Highlanders), but no matter where you’re from, by the time February comes around, not only have you had enough, but your mind’s taken a beating as well.
Loss of energy
Social withdrawal
Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed
Appetite changes (especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates)
Weight gain
Difficulty concentrating
Ways to Avoid It
See "Coping Mechanisms" below for more advice.
Exercise, go outside and see friends! Sometimes a change of scene can help.
"Light Therapy: Get a “Light Box.” These aren’t just UV lamps, regular light bulbs, or heat lamps, so make sure you get SAD specific ones. Just 30 minutes a day, usually in the morning, has been shown to help with SAD symptoms.
Diet: SAY NO TO CONBINI’S! Eat well, cook your own food, and failing that, make sure you keep your supply of fruit and veggies up. You’ll feel better about yourself and your lifestyle.
Counseling: Professional help can be a good idea, especially as a last resort!"